
This section contains information, reports and documents relating to the governance of ITI.

ITI is a Registered Company Limited by Guarantee. This means that our members act as guarantors, with each member's maximum liability being limited to £1. 

Our elected governing body, the Board of Directors, is legally responsible for all the strategic, financial and compliance aspects of running the Institute. The Chief Executive is also a member of the Board of Directors.

Our Committees, working groups and task and finish groups are made up of ITI members who volunteer their time to support the Institute. 

Networks are affiliated organisations which are administered on a voluntary basis by ITI members.

ITI members can access our Annual Reports and governance documents relating to our AGMs and elections using the links below once they have logged in.

AGM minutes


Annual reports

Annual Reports

Articles of association 1

Articles of Association

Board elections

Board nominations and elections

Bylaws 1




Board room

Join the ITI Board

ITI is seeking two co-opted non-exec Directors to bring fresh perspectives to our Board. Closing date 9 April.