Bulletin contributor guidelines

We're excited that you're interested in contributing to our magazine, and we want to help you create content that will resonate with our readers and align with our editorial mission.

Our editorial mission is to inform, educate, and engage ITI members and other subscribers, by providing high-quality, relevant content that supports professional development and promotes best practices in our field.

Potential authors should submit their ideas via our online form. We will then review your submission and decide whether to commission your article. We are likely to accept your proposal if it meets our criteria, but it is useful to have the opportunity to discuss word length, tone and where the emphasis needs to be in order to create an impactful article.

Please do not approach us with an article you’ve already written!

We will also edit and proofread your draft, so please be reassured that we will support you if you are not fully confident in your own writing style, or you haven't written for a publication before. We very much welcome new contributors.

Guidelines to get you started while considering your idea:

Length of a feature

One page in the Bulletin is around 650 words: two pages is around 1,500. Can your idea run to this length?

Tone, readership, and accessibility

The Bulletin is a membership magazine for professionals already working in this field – it’s not an academic journal. While the editor and colleagues edit every feature, we are also looking for writing that is easy to read while not talking down to our readership.

Content focus

Our goal is to inform and inspire our community of professional translators and interpreters.  We're looking for articles that:

  • Explore current trends and future developments in our field
  • Share practical tips and strategies for professional growth
  • Highlight innovative approaches to translation and interpreting
  • Discuss ethical considerations in our profession
  • Showcase the tangible impact of translation and interpreting, demonstrating the value of the profession
  • Highlight where translation and interpreting interacts with wider societal issues such as climate change, immigration, conflict, inequality, and social justice
  • Inspire others to engage in outreach activities and advocacy for the profession
  • Demonstrate our value to clients and other stakeholders.
Diversity and inclusion

We celebrate the diversity of our profession and our membership. We encourage contributions that:

  • Represent a wide range of linguistic and cultural perspectives
  • Address the needs and experiences of translators and interpreters from all backgrounds
  • Use inclusive language and avoid stereotypes
  • Consider accessibility in content and format.
Selection criteria

When reviewing submissions, we will consider:

  • Relevance to our readers' professional interests and needs
  • Originality of ideas or approach
  • Practical value and actionable insights
  • Clarity and engagement of writing style
  • Alignment with ITI's mission and values.
Ethical standards

We're committed to maintaining high ethical standards. Please ensure that your contribution:

  • Respects copyright and intellectual property rights
  • Accurately cites all sources and references
  • Maintains client confidentiality in case studies or examples
  • Avoids conflicts of interest (or discloses them if unavoidable).
Rights and permissions
  • Please ensure you have the right to use any images you submit.

Ready to submit your idea?