How does it work?

The WRG is member-led, with all activities planned around the interests of its members. It's your chance to support the local interpreting/translation community, share ideas, get advice, and professionalise what we’re doing. For the low membership fee, you can:

  • Get listed on our WRG homepage and receive free WRG business cards to promote your membership
  • Make friends and future colleagues to collaborate on projects
  • Access our group and engage with fellow interpreters/translators (seek advice/share ideas etc.)
  • Join in our full programme of events – from monthly socials to training events and the annual Christmas meal. Further your professional development by taking part in our annual CPD event
  • Shape what the WRG does and contribute to its aims.

You get to be a member of an active group, which:

  • Works with the ITI and other regional groups to promote the profession
  • Through its members, is active in a range of business areas and shares opportunities
  • Is a member of Business West and the Chamber of Commerce, offering you discounts on training courses, among other benefits.

Who can join?

Membership is open to members of the ITI and to anyone interested or involved in translation and interpreting. Most of our members are freelance translators and/or interpreters.

How do I join?

Please contact our Membership Secretay, Lindsey Sidebottom, at [email protected] if you are interested in joining the WRG. Gill will then get in touch with the WRG application pack, which includes further information about the group and details of how to pay the annual subscription fee (currently £12). While there is no geographical restriction on membership, WRG events are held in the group's local area (Bristol, Bath, Gloucestershire, Somerset and West Wiltshire) and you will derive greatest benefit if you are able to participate in these. If you live outside this area you may prefer to join the ITI Regional Group local to you (you can find your local group on the ITI website). Please note that the WRG is a professional networking organisation and does not itself employ linguists or commission work.

By requesting to join you consent to the ITI Western Regional Group (WRG) holding your contact information in its membership database for the purpose of contacting you (either directly or via its group). 

Members may request that their details be removed from the WRG group, at any time, by emailing [email protected].

Please note: membership of one of our Networks does not constitute membership of ITI.