
The principal aim of the ITI Neurodiversity Network is to be a place where neurodivergent translators and interpreters can come together to discuss common issues and provide mutual support, both through formal CPD and socially.

We also want to raise awareness in the wider language industry of the strengths that neurodivergent professionals can bring to bear, since much of the research and publicity around neurodivergence focuses on the negatives. We think it’s time to change that narrative.

What are neurodiversity and neurodivergence?

Neurodiversity is term to describe the range of differences in how people’s brains work and the range of behavioural traits that are part of normal variation in the human population. Neurodivergent people behave and think differently from what is considered ‘typical’ behaviour and thinking.

Some of the more widely known neurodivergent conditions are autism (including what used to be classified as Asperger’s), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), dyspraxia and dyslexia.

What we do:

From the inaugural meetings the group has gone on to discuss how our members approach translation processes, and will continue this dialogue with further monthly meetings on topics that include:

  • Introversion versus Extroversion within the neurodiverse population
  • Features of autistic verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Neurodivergence – blessing or curse i.e.:
       - Deadlines and demand avoidance
       - RSD in the context of professional feedback
       - High cognitive potential, hyperlexia, hyperfocus.

If you would like more information on the topic or date of our next meeting, please email [email protected].

Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan


Carola Lange

Carola Lange

Deputy Coordinator

Silvia Romano

Silvia Romano

Deputy Coordinator