24 Jul 2024

Staying safe from scammers

Beware of scams and NEVER click on an unknown link.

From time to time members draw to our attention phishing and scamming emails naming the ITI and CIOL Directories. We are working with the Chartered Institute of Linguists on a joint approach to tackle this, but in the meantime here some hints on what to watch out for from those who have been in touch with us.

If you are worried about an email trust your instinct.

  • Check the company name – scammers use names that are real or similar to real companies, but it's worth double checking for plausibility. If they say they work for a university or business but are using a gmail account for example, consider calling the organisation and ask to speak to the person who has emailed you. Always use contact details from a search engine and not from the email the scammer has sent you.
  • Is it just you? Ask your colleagues in any of the Networks you belong to as scammers often message multiple members in different languages pairs at the same time.
  • Fake emails - if they're not from the company why not? Look out for gmail and odd endings on emails that don’t match web addresses.
  • Similar names or roles – passing a person off as someone who does exist.
  • Odd remuneration and 'training periods'.
  • Flattery like "We have recently reviewed your impressive profile" or "your qualifications and experience seem to be an excellent fit for this role." etc.
  • Too good to be true? Does the offer seem too good to be true? Then it probably is.
  • Citing ITI or CIOL as the source of the contact ('...profile on ITI Directory etc.)
  • Poor English or English errors that are not credible given the purported country of origin/language pairs.
  • Promises that the full job description and additional details will be 'provided during the interview' so no actual information can be checked in advance.
  • There is a link, which is the REALLY dangerous part, allegedly to set up an 'interview' or register interest but which may draw down personal info and upload malware, etc.

You can find further information and tips on the Translators' scammers directory website.

The crucial thing to remember: DO NOT TO CLICK ON ANY LINK.

There are literally thousands of malware attempts on most organisations every day; and scammers are skilled, opportunistic and smart. Please take care, as we can seek to block and report, but the speed of response and rapid iteration of the phishing attacks will always outpace the authorities.

Software that blocks links and cyber insurance are both well worth the investment, but the golden rule is never click an unknown link.


More support for ITI members

Further information is available on our Fraud prevention page.

ITI members can also watch our cybersecurity webinar: