First session 8am BST
Second session 8pm BST

The ITI International Network’s next online chinwag is coming soon, so put Monday 4 November in your calendar now! The Network will be talking about how best to keep up with our native language and culture.

Perhaps you know the feeling: a reference or metaphor passes you by because it’s based on a TV show or TikTok meme back home that you’re not clued into. “How many other linguistic or cultural blind spots do I have?”, you muse, due to being a bit out of the loop.

So how do you avoid native-language (and culture) attrition when you’re living in your source-language country? Sure, you can pop back to Blighty / Sweden / the States / [insert motherland as appropriate] every so often or subscribe to publications from home, but are there any fast and fuss-free shortcuts to make keeping up to date a breeze?

Join the International Network to hear from peers and share your own useful tips and resources at the next ITI IntNet chat.

This’ll be a one-hour session on Google Meet, run twice to accommodate as many time zones as possible:

  • Monday 4 November at 8am GMT = 9am CET (9pm NZDT)
  • Monday 4 November at 8pm GMT = 9pm CET (9am on Tuesday 5 Nov NZDT).

The chats won’t be recorded, so attend or lament 😉.

If you’re a member of the ITI but not the International Network and would like to join this session, drop us a line at [email protected] stating your ITI membership number, and the login details will be in your inbox in a jiffy. Or two.

The International Network look forward to chatting to you!

International Network member fee: Free 

ITI member fee: Free

Location: Google Meet

Contact name: Caroline Lakey

Contact email: [email protected]

Network website address:

Closing date: 01 November 2024