ITI Annual General Meeting - The following communication was sent 31/07/2024

As per our previous update, it is proposed that the AGM be held on Saturday, 12 October 2024. As in previous years, we will be holding the meeting completely online. Confirmation of the date and time, together with the agenda and full and detailed instructions regarding how you can participate in this year’s AGM, will be sent to all members, with the Notice of Meeting, no fewer than 21 clear days prior to the date of the event.

Submission of motions by members 

We sent a Special Update to all members on 26 June 2024 inviting the submission of member motions to be discussed at the AGM. No motions were submitted by the deadline of 17 July 2024 and therefore no further action is required until we next communicate about the AGM later in the summer. 

The ITI Annual Review is now available here.

Thank you in advance for your contribution to the governance of your Institute. I look forward to welcoming many of you to the online AGM. 

Yours sincerely,

Sara Robertson
Chief Executive, Institute of Translation and Interpreting