The mental health of the medical interpreter – before, now and beyond

Medical interpreting is vital to ensure that patients with limited English proficiency and healthcare professionals can communicate effectively. However, interpreting in healthcare settings presents a wide range of challenges for interpreters, yet, there is a lack of research on how the challenges faced by interpreters in healthcare settings impact their mental health.

This presentation is based on Maria’s MA dissertation which focused on the impact of medical interpreting on the interpreter’s mental health and the strategies and support interpreters use to look after their well-being. It also analyses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the medical interpreter’s work and subsequently their mental health. Maria will present how coping strategies and support are key to supporting the interpreter’s mental health. She found a significant lack of mental health support during her research while learning that interpreters desire more support to prevent symptoms of vicarious trauma.

But how can we provide support to interpreters in a post-covid world? This presentation will use the findings from Maria Dunkley’s research to look into the future of medical interpreting, and how we can continue to support interpreters in the vital work they do.

Network member fee: Free

ITI member fee: £5

Non-member fee: £5

Location: Online - Zoom link to be shared

Contact name: Ulrike Nichols

Contact email: [email protected]

Booking closes: 17 February 2025

CPD hours: 1

Network website: ITI Medical and Pharmaceutical Network (ITIMedNet)