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Sessions will run from 10am to 11:30am BST

Are you a translator looking to expand into another specialism? Are you looking to start or further a career in patent translation? If so, don't miss out on this two-part workshop.
Image of folder and paperwork labelled patent

Patent translation is an excellent specialism, and one that is well-regarded. 

In this workshop, through a mixture of presentation and practical exercises, we will explore the field of patent translation and you will learn how to gain a foothold in it. The workshop will cover:

  • An introduction and overview of the patent translation industry and patent law
  • An outline of the wide range of documents involved in the patenting process and a focused review of documents which are commonly used
  • How to write patents in English and translate standard components
  • Software which can be used for patent translations
  • Translation strategies, workflows and reviewing methods.

To move into patent translation, experience of technical translation is helpful. However, if you don't have this background, some additional training will soon get you up to speed.

Read about the speaker

David  Smith

David Smith

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