Session runs from 1pm to 3pm.

Practical tips to enhance your LinkedIn profile, expand your business network and grow your business.
LinkedIn letters and logo on pinboard

This workshop offers actionable advice to enhance your LinkedIn profile, and guidance on how to identify, approach and connect with people who can support your business goals. This session is ideal for solo entrepreneurs and small business owners who use LinkedIn's free features and don't rely on paid advertising.

In the workshop you will discover how to: 

  • Optimise your profile for better visibility
  • Adopt effective search tactics to find and connect with the right people
  • Develop an effective connection strategy
  • Design a compelling content strategy
  • Refine your engagement and messaging for maximum impact
  • Leverage public and private discussions for business growth.

Attendees will leave the session with an array of useful hints and tips on how to use the LinkedIn platform effectively, along with simple and easy-to-implement tactics. Whether you are new to LinkedIn or an existing user, you will learn and gain from this workshop.